Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Thought of the day: Genderless baby?

Is it a boy or girl? This question is being asked by many people across the globe right now. Why? Because the Canadian parents of a 4 month old baby have yet to disclose the gender of their latest addition to the family, decisively named "Storm". At face value it seems very odd that they wouldn't want the majority of their close friends and family to know baby Storm's gender, but it gets very weird and borderline insane when one takes a close look at why they made the decision to keep Storm's genitalia a secret. 
There reasoning is, they want to let their child "decide its own gender." Yes... thats right. They want their child to decide for itself which gender it will be. Including, how it will dress itself, how its hair is done, and of course -- its sexuality. The picture to the left is of the baby and its brother. That is not a typo... that is a boy hugging the "it". Disturbing? Yeah, just slightly. Its sad to see a society where people actually believe that gender is subjective. We see people going against nature in more way than one in society. People make such selfish decisions in the name of being progressive and modern. I want you to take a close look at that picture. That is "its" older BROTHER. I can hardly stand looking at that picture. It upsets me to know that there are parents out there who train their kids this way. It makes me want to have even more kids so that mine outweigh in number all these poor kids who will be raised with a lack of guidance and understanding. Obviously, parents have the right to raise their children as they choose. However, this is borderline neglect. Instead of raising their children to be a good, positive influence on society these parents have decided to turn parenthood into a social experiment. A selfish decision that will negatively effect their children for years to come. Its not how these kids will react to this "experiment" that is the problem. Its how other will respond to these kids. These kids will be confused by and ridiculed by their peers. The world can be a mean cruel place and these parents have willfully subjected their kids to be outcasts in society. Yet these parents see themselves as wonderful people for removing social norms.
I don't know where else to come with this one... 
I can only pray God help these children!

Thoughts or comments?
Remember to subscribe so you don't miss any of my rants!
God bless!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Are the end times near?

This is something I wrote over a year ago (I did do some minor editing) and I thought it was relevant in light of recent events. Meaning, the belief that the beginning of the end times is tomorrow. I know most of you are smart enough to know that this guy is a joke, but how many of you think the end times are very near? Well, I try to dissect the reasoning for why Christians always think God is coming soon in the following writing.

"Why do so many Christians claim that the end times are near? When I ask individual Christians this question, they usually come up with answers like, 'look at all the natural disasters. In the Bible, it says there will be a lot of natural disasters in the end times.' However, I attribute what seems to be an increase in natural disasters to an increase in g
lobal media and information. We never used to know, nor care as a society when small countries (eg. Haiti) were hammered by intense natural disasters. Everything is 'close to home' now with the advent of the internet and a global newsforce that reports on anything remotely disastrous because it gets them better ratings.
The second 'go to' argument the Christian community uses is that the world has become so immoral. And they act like its worse than it ever has been. I think people need to read their history books. Back in ancient times, prostitutes roamed the streets (legally) and temple orgies were a normal thing. Not to mention rampant homosexuality. Having a male sex slave was seen as a sign of wealth and prominence. Also, during the Roman era, people used to watch slaves murder each other for fun. They used to feed Christians to lions. Somehow, I don't think we are even close to that level right now. Not saying we can't get there eventually. Because I believe we could.
The third argument is generally relating to Israel and the Middle East. But nothing has really changed there since 1967. But even then nothing really changed. Peace hasn't been accomplished. Muslims still want to conquer Israel and all the Jews. Iran wants to nuke them. Palestinians want to take over their land. Syria wants to completely destroy everything related to the Jews. I could be wrong, but if peace is necessary for the end times to come, I think current events and the foreign policies towards Israel from Islamic nations are a pretty obvious sign that the end times are a long ways off.
Yet for centuries... no millenniums, Christians have heralded that the end times are near. Often pointing to figures like Nero, Hitler, or Stalin as the Antichrist. You can ask almost any Christian and they will tell you that they believe God is coming back in their lifetime. We say it, our parents said it, our grandparents said it, even our great-grandparents belived they would be on this earth for the rapture...
I know part of it is driven by our natural desire to... not die. We all want to think that we will be the chosen generation that gets the 'Advance to heaven card'.

I believe it is possible that Christ will return in my lifetime. But my personal opinion is that He wont. And I know most everyone who believes in Christs return will probably say otherwise. But seriously... why do you think you are right where millions and millions of Christians before you were wrong? I am sure many of you have studied end times prophecy. And I am sure most of you have an opinion on it. And I am sure all those opinions are backed up by verses and evidence from the Bible and the world around us. But don't you think Christians before... even the disciples... used the Bible and current events to 'prove' Christ's return was near?

My intention here is to get people to ask questions and evaluate what they believe. Not to get people to not believe in Christs return or to prove that it is far off. I just think we as Christians need to be more open about this topic. The fact is, no one will know the day or the hour of Christ's return. We will know the season, but in my humble opinion, I don't think we are at a point where we can say for certian that Christ's return is near."
Thoughts or opinions? Feel free to humble me if you think I am in error.
Thanks for reading and God bless.
Also, remember to subscribe. Even if you think I am crazy, because at least you can be entertained by my insanity, right?

Monday, May 16, 2011

Thoughts of the day: Modern "Scientists"

Scientists of today remind me of the early Catholic church. They Catholic church used to only allow the Bible to be read in Latin, so only priests and clergy could read it. This gave them complete control over the people. Scientists are essentially doing this same thing. Often times the reason they leave out certain parts of information is because it usually comes down to it being an assumption (which is completely unscientific to base "fact" off of an assumption)

I just read something by Stephen Hawking that said, "What I have done is to show that it is possible for the way the universe began to be determined by the laws of science. In that case, it would not be necessary to appeal to God to decide how the universe began." But not too long ago in a book he wrote he said that physics was different before the universe began and there is no way of knowing what is was like. He went on to say that this meant we couldn't observe or test how things happened before the beginning of the universe.

So this makes me wonder, how can he show a "possibility" of how the universe began, if all the laws of physics are thrown out the window? By his own words he has nothing to go on. If everything we understand today doesn't apply to our preexistent universe, there is no way to scientifically prove how the universe began. Aside from the fact that if you can't observe something it isn't science.
The only reason scientists can get away with making these assumptions and logical fallacies is because they are the only ones who can "read Latin". Meaning, they are the only ones in control of the data and they can use it to say whatever they want.

Fact and logic aren't based on assumptions. Because of this it is completely impossible to prove the big bang theory or the theory of evolution in a court-of-law. There are way to many holes in both of these theories. However, scientists continue on and assume that all of their assumptions are fact.

Just my thoughts for the day. Comments or questions
Also, remember to subscribe to my blog!
God bless,

Sunday, May 15, 2011

What would people say if they summarized your life?

As I sat there riding the bus I looked around at those sitting with me. I wondered what each of them was thinking. Were they thinking about work, school, or what they need to get done for the day? Maybe some of them were thinking the exact same thing I was. It seemed to be just another typical day of going through the motions of life. We rode a little further down and passed a cemetery. It seemed to catch everyone's eyes. At this point I think I knew what everyone was thinking about. Many of them try to stop looking and stop thinking about what that cemetary represents, as I have done many times. We as humans all resist the idea that one day we will be in a cemetery. And then what?
As far as this world goes, no one wants their life summarized on a piece of stone. Why? The reason is obvious, we all want to think our lives meant a little more to this world than what a few words or sentences can possibly express. I think deep down we all hope we will have more of an effect on the world. Of course, many of us have given up on any thoughts of "doing something great" with out lives. But at one time in our lives we have all desired to do something noteworthy. You can see this desire to achieve or be recognized throughout our culture. This is exactly why internet blogging and Facebook have become so big in the last decade. This is why we are all so obsessed with documenting every moment of our lives. We so badly want to have an effect on each other. We all want to be recognized and heard by those around us.

The internet has certainly given us a temporary means to fill that desire for affirmation. But the moment we separate ourselves from it, reality sinks in and for many of us, there is a feeling of lonliness. Just remember, when you close your laptop and it seems nobody is there to listen, that you are wrong. Jesus Christ is still there, waiting for you to talk to Him. He loves you more than you can imagine. He loves you so much that He died for you. Why not give God a chance to fix your broken heart and give you fulfillment in life. Stop forcing yourself to believe that this is "just the way life is". Life is what you make it. You can either let your life be summarized on a piece of stone or you can give your life to Christ and He can do so much more with it. It's really entirely up to you because God gave you the option to choose Him. You don't have to be good or perfect to accept God's gift. You don't have to do anything other than just believe in Him and accept His sacrifice for you. Just know that either way, Christ loves you for who you are and He wont ever give up on you.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

What our organization is all about...

In response to a question from a friend. She asked, "How are you planning on using money to take down the Liberal movement in America???"

"Dear Sarah, thank you for taking the time to ask such an important question.
There are many ways my organization works to take down the Liberal front in America. We have applied many strategies over the past that have been effective. One of our main goals is to inform the people of America on the efforts of the Liberals. We also spend our resources during election time to support those brave men and women who directly take on the Liberals. In electing officials who we know hold the same American values as us, we can prevent liberal ideology from taking over our lives. In the future, members of my organization also plan to run for office themselves. Please keep this in mind when you donate to our cause. Running for office can be very expensive."

Today is the day that I do something I promised myself I would never do... start a Blog... for a second time. .

Ok, so apparently the day after I started this Blog the website decided to have a bunch of "technical issues". They shut down the site momentarily and reloaded the site back to May 11th. Which basically means that my Blog was deleted. So anyone who read my first "first" post, will be the only ones to do so.

I am sure the website "going down" was just a facade by the liberal front in America to silence me. Obviously, I am a large threat to them. If they think they can bring me down, they better think again! This will be a long, hard road to fight the liberals. But with your help, I know we can do it. If you love America and care about its future, please take this chance to donate to my cause. When you donate to my cause, you are showing that you care about the future of your children. On the opposite end, if you don't show your support for me, its obvious you are a Marxist, Communist, Nazi who wishes America would be taken over by China. It shows that you hate everything that is good... like butterflies and rainbows. You don't hate butterflies and rainbows do you??? I didn't think so. Now go to the button below and support my movement to take down the Liberal movement in America.