Is it a boy or girl? This question is being asked by many people across the globe right now. Why? Because the Canadian parents of a 4 month old baby have yet to disclose the gender of their latest addition to the family, decisively named "Storm". At face value it seems very odd that they wouldn't want the majority of their close friends and family to know baby Storm's gender, but it gets very weird and borderline insane when one takes a close look at why they made the decision to keep Storm's genitalia a secret.
There reasoning is, they want to let their child "decide its own gender." Yes... thats right. They want their child to decide for itself which gender it will be. Including, how it will dress itself, how its hair is done, and of course -- its sexuality. The picture to the left is of the baby and its brother. That is not a typo... that is a boy hugging the "it". Disturbing? Yeah, just slightly. Its sad to see a society where people actually believe that gender is subjective. We see people going against nature in more way than one in society. People make such selfish decisions in the name of being progressive and modern. I want you to take a close look at that picture. That is "its" older BROTHER. I can hardly stand looking at that picture. It upsets me to know that there are parents out there who train their kids this way. It makes me want to have even more kids so that mine outweigh in number all these poor kids who will be raised with a lack of guidance and understanding. Obviously, parents have the right to raise their children as they choose. However, this is borderline neglect. Instead of raising their children to be a good, positive influence on society these parents have decided to turn parenthood into a social experiment. A selfish decision that will negatively effect their children for years to come. Its not how these kids will react to this "experiment" that is the problem. Its how other will respond to these kids. These kids will be confused by and ridiculed by their peers. The world can be a mean cruel place and these parents have willfully subjected their kids to be outcasts in society. Yet these parents see themselves as wonderful people for removing social norms.
I don't know where else to come with this one...
I can only pray God help these children!
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