Saturday, May 14, 2011

Today is the day that I do something I promised myself I would never do... start a Blog... for a second time. .

Ok, so apparently the day after I started this Blog the website decided to have a bunch of "technical issues". They shut down the site momentarily and reloaded the site back to May 11th. Which basically means that my Blog was deleted. So anyone who read my first "first" post, will be the only ones to do so.

I am sure the website "going down" was just a facade by the liberal front in America to silence me. Obviously, I am a large threat to them. If they think they can bring me down, they better think again! This will be a long, hard road to fight the liberals. But with your help, I know we can do it. If you love America and care about its future, please take this chance to donate to my cause. When you donate to my cause, you are showing that you care about the future of your children. On the opposite end, if you don't show your support for me, its obvious you are a Marxist, Communist, Nazi who wishes America would be taken over by China. It shows that you hate everything that is good... like butterflies and rainbows. You don't hate butterflies and rainbows do you??? I didn't think so. Now go to the button below and support my movement to take down the Liberal movement in America.

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